Corrugated Roofing

Our span roofing has a square corrugated appearance that highlights a mix of light and shade, wherever it is placed.

We are proud to introduce a great selection of different span sheeting options for your home or workplace.

Available Colours

The Colorbond® steel colour swatches above have been reproduced to represent actual product colours as accurately as possible. However, we recommend checking your chosen colour against an actual sample of the product before purchasing, as varying light conditions, different screens and limitations of the printing process may affect colour tones.

Applications for Span Roofing

Span roofing blends perfectly with a wide range of building styles. Its 9 rib design means it can be used in walling and fencing, as well as its trademark roofing applications.

Our span roofing has been used on walkways, school buildings and heavy duty walling all throughout the state of Queensland and beyond. Span roofing is perfect for those who are after a more unique and nuanced look, while also being extremely practical. Available in a range of different colours, span cladding is just the thing for your home or business.

Using span cladding can also lead to great cost savings. Span roofing can be used in continuous lengths when large support gaps are utilised, meaning less sheets are ultimately used.

Fastener Selection

12 x 50 type 17 or 13 x 50 zip roof fastener used for fixing corrugated roofing into timber

12 x 65 Type 17 or 13 x 50 Zip

To be used for fixing span roofing into timber

13 x 50 zip or 12 x 35 SDS fixing corrugated roofing into metal

13 x 50 Zip or 12 x 45 SDS

To be used for fixing span roofing into metal

12 x 25 t17 fasteners used for fixing corrugated walling into timber

12 x 25 T17

To be used for fixing span walling into timber

10 x 16 SDS fastener used for fixing corrugated walling into metal

10 x 16 SDS

To be used for fixing span walling into metal

Additional Information

When installing span sheeting, you should always remember to lay the material into the prevailing wind and sit neatly on the preceding roof sheet. Never stretch the width of the sheet at any time during the installation process as this can lead to wind or rain penetrating the newly installed sheeting.

You should use side lap fasteners at mid span whenever the spans exceed 900mm for roofing or 1200mm for walling. Utilising side lap fixing will help enforce a weather proof seal and secure the sheet overlap. It is important to note that all fasteners used should have neoprene washers.

Roof Laying Procedure

Prevailing Wind  >                         <  Laying Direction


Fastener Positions

Roofing: Three Fastener Location (internal supports)

Span Roofing Three Fasteners Location for Internal Support, QLD

Roofing: Four Fastener Location (end supports and end laps)

Span Roofing Four Fasteners Location for End Support & End Laps, QLD

Walling: Three Fastener Location (internal supports)

Span Wall Three Fasteners Location for Internal Supports, QLD

Walling: Four Fastener Location (end supports and end laps)

Span Wall Four Fastener Location for End Supports & End Laps, QLD

Material Specifications

Material Properties Finish 0.42BMT 0.48BMT
Total Coated Thickness (TCT)mm Zincalume® 0.47 0.53
Total Coated Thickness (TCT)mm Colorbond® 0.5 0.56
Mass (kg/linear metre) Zincalume® 3.26 3.7
Mass (kg/linear metre) Colorbond® 3.32 3.76
Mass (kg/square metre) Zincalume® 4.66 5.28
Mass (kg/square metre) Colorbond® 4.74 5.37
Yield (square metre/tonne) Zincalume® 214.6 189.4
Yield (square metre/tonne) Colorbond® 211 186.2
Tensile Strength (MPa) Zincalume® & Colorbond® 550 550
Width Coverage (mm) Zincalume® & Colorbond® 700 700
Sheet Tolerances (mm) Length & Width ±5 ±2 ±5 ±2
Minimum Roof Pitch Zincalume® & Colorbond®

Spans (mm)

Three Fasteners
BMT (mm) Application Span Type N1 (W28) N2 (W33) N3 (W41) N4 (W50)
0.42 Roofing Single 1350 1350 1350
0.42 Roofing End 1800 1800 1700
0.42 Roofing Internal 2400 2000 1800
0.42 Walling Single 2300 1950 1750 1500
0.42 Walling End 3000 2300 1950 1550
0.42 Walling Internal 3300 2500 2000 1750
0.48 Roofing Single 2000 1850 1500
0.48 Roofing End 2300 2100 1800
0.48 Roofing Internal 3000 2350 2000
0.48 Walling Single 2350 2100 1850 1750
0.48 Walling End 3000 2350 2100 1850
0.48 Walling Internal 3400 2950 2350 1950
Four Fasteners
BMT (mm) Application Span Type N1 (W28) N2 (W33) N3 (W41) N4 (W50)
0.42 Roofing Single 1350 1350 1350 1350
0.42 Roofing End 1800 1800 1800 1500
0.42 Roofing Internal 2400 2400 2250 1600
0.42 Walling Single 2550 2050 1900 1750
0.42 Walling End 3200 2650 2150 1800
0.42 Walling Internal 3500 3100 2750 1950
0.48 Roofing Single 2000 2000 1800 1700
0.48 Roofing End 2300 2300 2100 1750
0.48 Roofing Internal 3000 2850 2350 2000
0.48 Walling Single 2600 2250 2050 1950
0.48 Walling End 3300 2700 2300 2150
0.48 Walling Internal 3600 3300 2850 2400