
Queensland Sheet Metal provide a complete range of structural C and Z Purlins and girts for industrial buildings, garages, verandahs, and carports; in fact anywhere that strong reliable steel framing is required.

Manufactured from quality Galvanised Steel, this is a fully integrated system allowing for flexible design options.


Supplied plain or punched, C & Z purlins are manufactured from high-tensile steel for increased strength, reduced weight, and a long serviceable life.

Queensland Sheet Metal provides an extensive purlin range with eight web heights and six thickness combinations, from 75mm to massive 400mm purlins capable of impressive spans.

Additional Information

Web Depth (mm)

Thickness (mm) 75 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
1.2mm  x x x
1.5mm x x x
1.9mm x x x x
2.4mm x x x x x x x
3.0mm x x x


purlin-profiles_2         purlin-profiles

Material Properties

C Section Size Z Section Size Yield Stress fy Ult. Tensile Strength fu
75-12 500 520
100-10 100-10 550 550
100-12 100-12 500 520
100-15 100-15 450 480
100-19 100-19 450 480
100-24 100-24 450 480
150-10 150-10 550 550
150-12 150-12 500 520
150-15 150-15 450 480
150-19 150-19 450 480
150-24 150-24 450 480
200-12 200-12 500 520
200-15 200-15 450 480
200-19 200-19 450 480
200-24 200-24 450 480
250-15 250-15 450 480
250-19 250-19 450 480
250-24 250-24 450 480
300-24 300-24 450 480
300-30 300-30 450 480
350-24 350-24 450 480
350-30 350-30 450 480
400-24 400-24 450 480
400-30 400-30 450 480


t mm D mm Z Section C Section L mm Mass kg/m
E mm F mm B mm
1.2 75 40 10.7 1.59
1.0 102 53 49 51 12.5 1.77
1.2 102 53 49 51 12.5 1.77
1.5 102 53 49 51 12.5 2.10
1.9 102 53 49 51 14.5 3.29
2.4 102 53 48 51 12.0 4.13
1.0 152 65 61 64 14.5 2.42
1.2 152 65 61 64 15.0 2.89
1.5 152 65 61 64 16.0 3.58
1.9 152 65 61 64 17.0 4.51
2.4 152 66 60 64 185 5.67
1.2 203 79 74 76 15.0 3.62
1.5 203 79 74 76 16.0 4.49
1.9 203 79 73 76 19.0 5.73
2.4 203 79 74 76 21.0 7.2
1.5 254 79 74 76 18.0 5.16
1.9 254 79 74 76 19.0 6.50
2.4 254 79 73 76 20.5 8.16
2.4 300 100 93 96 28.0 10.09
3.0 300 100 93 96 31.5 12.68
2.4 350 129 121 125 29.0 12.20
3.0 350 129 121 125 30.0 15.19
2.4 400 129 121 125 28.0 13.16
3.0 400 129 121 125 30.0 16.39