Pick Up Information
If you’re picking up products from Queensland Sheet Metal premises, please be aware of the following requirements:
- Please park in designated customer parking spaces ONLY.
- Goods must be collected from our dispatch area.
- Queensland Sheet Metal team members will assist with handling and loading of vehicles.
We will load vehicles according to customer directions, except:
- We will not load a vehicle which appears not to be roadworthy.
- We will not load a vehicle in breach of road safety and transport laws.
- We will not load a vehicle if drivers appear intoxicated or drug-affected.
- If the vehicle cannot be safely loaded, we can arrange for delivery, or for alternative transport to be provided by the customer.

Onsite Safety
Queensland Sheet Metal complies with all on-site health and safety laws and relevant regulations.
When onsite:
- Please comply with instructions from Queensland Sheet Metal staff regarding movements onsite and safety requirements.
- Children must be under supervision and kept safe at all times when on our premises.
- Smoking is not permitted on our premises or in loading areas.
- Please remain on site during loading.
- You are responsible for securing the load, and provision of equipment to secure the load. (Please note that roofing materials need to be firmly secured on the road to prevent load movement).
- Vehicles should comply with legal load limits. Please see illustrations below for load projections
Need to Talk to Somebody About Your Pick Up?
If you’re not sure whether your vehicle can carry roofing materials, rainwater products, guttering or other large materials, call us. Our experts will be able to help you with solutions and managing your pickup needs.
To help you make the right choices for your roofing and walling needs, we have compiled a list of our more frequently asked questions. On this page you can get the quick answers to those common niggling questions and learn more about our great products and our manufacturing process. If you’ve got any more questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today.
Delivery Procedures
To assist in delivery of your roofing materials or other roofing supplies, and arranging your delivery schedule, please note:
We do not specify a delivery time. We can only specify a day of delivery.
If we cannot deliver your roofing materials on the appointed day, we will advise of an alternate delivery day.
All deliveries of roofing supplies, rainwater products like guttering and other roofing materials must be paid for in advance. We cannot accept COD for payment for any roofing products or other roofing supplies, including small accessories.
Talk to Us About Arranging Your Delivery
Contact us to schedule a delivery which best suits your time frames. Our expert staff will be happy to assist and help you with scheduling your delivery. We will also be able help with tracking your delivery and advise you if a delivery has been delayed for any reason.
Delivery Schedule

Area 1 | Brisbane | Daily |
Area 2 | Sunshine Coast | Daily |
Area 3 | Gold Coast | Daily |
Blue Route* | Cooroy to Hervey Bay | Tuesdays, Thursdays |
Purple Route* | Ipswich to Toowoomba | Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays |
Red Route* | Coolangatta to Byron Bay, Ballina or Lismore | By arrangement (POA) |
Red Route* | Toowoomba to Warwick, Stanthorpe, Oakey or Highfields | By arrangement (POA) |
* 10km each side of major highways. Regions outside of this area are POA.
Boundary Points
Area 1 | Bound by Beenleigh in the south, Caboolture in the north and Ipswich in the west |
Area 2 | Bound by Caboolture in the south, Noosa Heads in the north and Stanmore in the west |
Area 3 | Bound by Coolangatta in the south, Beenleigh in the north and Peak crossing and Boonah in the west |
Delivery FAQ’s
Delivery Information
If you have chosen to have your goods delivered to your nominated address the following will generally apply:
Deliveries are made on the agreed day, but not at a specific time.
If it is not possible to deliver on the specified day, Queensland Sheet Metal will advise you of alternative arrangements.
If you wish to change the delivery date you must notify us two business days in advance.
Delivery on site:
We will always try to deliver according to your instructions. If, however, it’s not possible to place your delivery on site as per your instructions, these issues determine placement:
- Access issues for vehicles and drivers
- Size of load
- Weight of product(s)
- Vehicle safety
- Driver safety and public safety
Please note that our large, heavy vehicles are unsuited to domestic driveways, footpaths and grassy areas and may not be able to enter your premises. Delivery and placement should be organised accordingly.
Notification of delivery:
Drivers will contact you to advise delivery arrival. If nobody is there to receive the delivery, our drivers will note time of delivery.
Our drivers are trained in roofing materials and handling procedures to minimise the risk of injury or damage to goods.
Please note that large, heavy items like Colorbond roofing panels and other materials may pose a hazard to bystanders.
Multiple Deliveries:
Some roofing supplies may require multiple deliveries as some products are sourced from different suppliers.
Damaged products or other problems:
If any goods are damaged or defective, please notify us of the problems ASAP. Please note – We will require your order details to manage these issues.
If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact us today! Call 1300 926 074.