20 12, 2015

5 Patio Decorating Ideas

December 20th, 2015|Categories: Colorbond® Steel, DIY Projects, Home Exteriors, Patio|

Decorating your patio is a way to add life and style to your outdoor area. Your patio should be an extension of your home for all seasons and reflect your personal style, just like the interior of your home. There are loads of ways to add life to your patio. From lighting to décor, plants and furniture, the possibilities are almost limitless.

6 10, 2015

7 Benefits of Having a Patio Over The Summer

October 6th, 2015|Categories: Home Exteriors, Patio|

Australians are known for loving the outdoors, but when it comes to summertime many of us are guilty of hiding inside the house with the air conditioner turned right up. Considering the high temperatures and humidity that we experience here in Queensland, it’s not surprising that many of us opt for the couch over the deckchair. The only problem is, if we hide from the heat and the cool, when are we ever going to enjoy our beautiful state?

6 08, 2015

Five Ways to Improve Your Patio

August 6th, 2015|Categories: DIY Projects, Home Maintenance, Patio|

Knowing what to do with your outdoor space can be a daunting challenge unless you have a good design in mind. At Queensland Sheet Metal, we’ve seen our fair share of different patio arrangements, so to help fellow Queensland residents and builders find the best result for their needs, we’ve put together 5 easy tips to think about when renovating your patio.

12 01, 2015

5 DIY Home Renovations with Standout Value

January 12th, 2015|Categories: Carport, DIY Projects, Home Exteriors, Interior Design, Patio|

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) home renovation projects are a very popular way to add function and value to your home. Whether refreshing your home’s look or getting out the tools to build something new, a DIY project is fun and rewarding. With the proper planning and research, a DIY endeavour can be quick and easy, too. Here are five DIY home renovation projects that you can start planning today. Read More